Month: September 2021

Pop: a revolution – explained in VIDEO

Pop: a revolution – explained in VIDEO

Many of you have probably heard the news – Pop, a brand new mobile payment app is now LIVE. But why is it a revolution ? Sit back, relax and watch these videos (first 3 are in English, the 3 following in French) More information: […]

Shopify and MiPS

Shopify and MiPS

Many e-commerce businesses have built their website using Shopify. For those of you in this field, you know that having an e-commerce website is necessary in order to sell online. But to sell online, you also need a payment solution integrated with the e-commerce website. […]

POP : a payment revolution in Mauritius

POP : a payment revolution in Mauritius

📢 Revolution alert ! Day 1 of 4. Yes, you have read correctly, we clearly wrote “revolution” and not “evolution”. POP and MIPS are igniting a payment revolution in Mauritius  💸. Let’s also add this 👉 POP together with MiPS is an amazing contextual innovation.  Finally, here we are […]

Debt Collector Tool

Debt Collector Tool

Many merchants have been asking us if we have a solution to help them chase payments that are owed. We now came up with a brand new tool – The DEBT COLLECTOR ! The debt collector is a tool that helps a merchant obtain a […]

New (fantastic) MiPS merchants

New (fantastic) MiPS merchants

We are delighted to welcome new fantastic merchants who will use our payment solutions ! Check for more online shops! Here you will find an extensive list of our clients If you want to use our payment solutions, please contact us 👍

A la rencontre de Woolworths – episode 3

A la rencontre de Woolworths – episode 3

Chaque semaine, Nous allons à la rencontre d’un client.Dans nos reportages nous privilégions le savoir faire Mauricien où les “ponts neuronaux” entre l’île Maurice et l’étranger.Ici il s’agit de Woolworths dont le site web ecommerce est désormais live. Fruit d’une étroite collaboration entre nos équipe […]

Odysseo & MiPS

Odysseo & MiPS

What is Odysseo ? I cannot find better words than the ones used by the Odysseo team on their homepage: “Welcome to the largest oceanarium in the Mascarene Archipelago and the first of its kind in Mauritius. Over and above the richness of its onsite […]

MiPS is a feature-oriented payment gateway

MiPS is a feature-oriented payment gateway

MiPS is constantly evolving, mutating, adapting and especially innovating. MiPS is NOT many things, for example MiPS is not a simple payment gateway. But what is a payment gateway ? A payment gateway is a merchant service provided by an e-commerce application service provider that […]