Shopify and MiPS

Shopify and MiPS

Many e-commerce businesses have built their website using Shopify.

For those of you in this field, you know that having an e-commerce website is necessary in order to sell online. But to sell online, you also need a payment solution integrated with the e-commerce website.

The payment solution is key in order to allow the buyer to pay with his credit card or even with other means of payments like POP. On the other hand, make sure the money reaches your Mauritian bank account (when you take online payments in Mauritius, your money must end up in a Mauritian bank account)

You, as a merchant could choose of course the free websites offered by eShops powered by MIPS

MIPS already provides Mauritian Merchants with a working payment solution for Shopify websites. The solution works very well and we wanted it to be absolutely perfect. Therefore, we are currently working on a massive improvement of the user experience while paying and also improving the merchant’s side stuff.

Stay tuned for this improved Shopify experience.

You need a payment solution for your Shopify e-commerce website ? Contact MiPS !

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