When you shop online, you may have the choice of which means of payment to use.
Today, I will list you the adavntages of paying with a credit card for what you buy on e-commerce shops.

- You can make purchases online. You can use your card to securely purchase items and services online, even from international retailers.
- You can request a chargeback if you are not satisfied with a product or service. You can request a chargeback through your credit card company if you have a dispute with a merchant, in-store, or online.
- Travel reservations and insurance. In the internet age, booking your flight or hotel stay often requires a credit card. If you don’t have one, you may find it difficult to plan your travel itinerary. In addition, most travel credit cards come with a variety of insurance and coverage options, including travel accident insurance, baggage loss insurance, rental car collision insurance, insurance, etc. trip cancellation and more.
Here is a video on this topic