Month: March 2021

Busy B présenté par la pétillante Linzy Bacbotte.

Avec humour et pédagogie, la pétillante Linzy Bacbotte nous explique comment commander en ligne sur le site web #ecommerce​ de Busy B (​). #lokalpoulokal​ ! Powered by Beatrice Bijoux Bellepeau Busy B est une marque #Mauricienne​ “Créée en 2010, Busy B est une ligne de […]

Un (bel) article dans l’Eco Austral

J’adore la première photo de cet article de L’Eco austral qui montre mon premier livre de programmation que j’ai eu vers l’âge de 10 ans. Back to basic(s)!Voici quelques extraits qui m’ont obligé à enlever mes chaussures pour cause d’enflement de chevilles:1️⃣”Sébastien Le Blanc est l’un des entrepreneurs mauriciens les plus en […]

10/03/2021 Lockdown day 1 adaptation.

10/03/2021 Lockdown day 1 adaptation.

10/03/2021 14h00 Lockdown 1 day adaptation. Please bear with us, there is some slowdown due to our own adaptation to the situation and to the fact that ALL Mauritians are rushing on the internet and therefore downgrading speed. Also, in total transparency there has been […]

Quickpay Upgrade – Resend SMS Receipts

Quickpay Upgrade – Resend SMS Receipts

You probably know that when you use our payment solutions, the possibility is given to the client to receive his receipt by SMS. If the client deletes his receipt or loses it in some way, we have developed the possibility to resend this SMS receipt, […]

Activations Terrain Made in Moris

Activations Terrain Made in Moris

Made in Moris is doing an incredible work in order to help Mauritian businesses. As part of this mission, Made in Moris is organising a series of “Activations terrain”, in which we, MIPS, will showcase our products. Xavier from MIPS enjoyed this event, as you […]

Launch of Le Wagon- The Coding Boot Camp

Launch of Le Wagon- The Coding Boot Camp

We were invited at the amazing launch of Le Wagon in Mauritius with Laura Martin and Nicolas Goldstein. This famous coding bootcamp  is offering our local brains the opportunity to make more efficient use of our neurons. therefore, becoming a nation of doers, not operators. Astrid, Diane, Stéphane […]

SME Mauritius at Flying Dodo

SME Mauritius at Flying Dodo

A great event, organised by Meera Chatooree and the excellent team of SME Mauritius . Shirin Gunny from Made in Moris was also present. A lot of insight and testimonials from Mauritian businesses were heard. Sebastien Le Blanc, our CEO, had a lot of fun, […]

MITIA General Assembly

MITIA General Assembly

We are very happy to be part of MITIA – Mauritius Information & Technology Industry Association , a prestigious group founded by leading industry members.

Dynamic retry configuration for recurring payments

Dynamic retry configuration for recurring payments

If you understand this one without reading further, we want to hire you ! Let me explain this one. A client has to pay a business Rs.1000 every month. We can set up a recurring payment so that, automatically, Rs.1000 will be charged to the […]

For Hotels “Extras” Billing System

For Hotels “Extras” Billing System

What is this term “extras” ? In the hotel industry, it is a popular word. An “extra” makes reference to all food, drink or services that a hotel client buys. An “extra” is not included in the meal plan (all inclusive, half board, full board). […]