Tag: extras
Quickpay Upgrade – Resend SMS Receipts
You probably know that when you use our payment solutions, the possibility is given to the client to receive his receipt by SMS. If the client deletes his receipt or loses it in some way, we have developed the possibility to resend this SMS receipt, […]
Dynamic retry configuration for recurring payments
If you understand this one without reading further, we want to hire you ! Let me explain this one. A client has to pay a business Rs.1000 every month. We can set up a recurring payment so that, automatically, Rs.1000 will be charged to the […]
For Hotels “Extras” Billing System
What is this term “extras” ? In the hotel industry, it is a popular word. An “extra” makes reference to all food, drink or services that a hotel client buys. An “extra” is not included in the meal plan (all inclusive, half board, full board). […]
QuickBooks and online sales synchronization
We are very happy to announce to the users of the popular accounting system, QuickBooks , that as from now, MIPS software is now fully compatible with QuickBooks . All sales and stock management from now on is automatically updated in QuickBooks when you use […]