Category: Uncategorized

MIPS is Neuroplasticiting from Mauritius to Africa.

Our #Mauritian neurons are “neuroplasticiting” their way to Africa 👆🐬! I’m proud (😎) to announce today that MIPS officially launched two new brands 👉 “MIPS Africa” and “eShops Africa”👇 ✅ #MIPS is a feature oriented #payment ecosystem. #Mauritius is our playground. We have fun creating insane #innovation here. Mauritius is where our brains and hearts […]

Send a payment request via WhatsApp

Send a payment request via WhatsApp

Getting paid on time is the dance we’re all trying with our clients. Like all dance partners, someone inevitably ends up with their toes being stood on, leaving that aura of awkwardness where neither dance partners knows what to do next. Do I say sorry… […]

Sebastien Le Blanc s’amuse dans le Zournal de Vince Duvergé !

Sebastien Le Blanc s’amuse dans le Zournal de Vince Duvergé !

Notre CEO est un grand enfant, il le prouve encore une fois dans le Zournal de Vince Duvergé ! (Si vous voulez voir directement Sebastien, deplacez le curseur jusqu’a 10m 40sec. )