Come & Play with us !
Those who have LinkedIn, we invite you to join this Group: Innovation in Mauritius
Rules in this Group:
Rule N°1: No Rules
Rule N°2: No Rules
Rule N°3: Make innovation become more than a buzzy word.
Rule N°4: Make the word “happen”
Rule N°5: Push Square Wheels
Rule N°6: Disrupt without shame
Rule N°7: Game change without fear
I’m trying to catch some more Neurons here and soon, we will launch some neurostimulators to let them work alone within this LinkedIn Group! YOU are welcome to help by inviting
here your own network of neurons !
We will organize in this group some challenges, games and hypothetic crisis situations as Neurostimulations. Then hopefully, we will see cool disruptive, game-changing ideas flow. And, why not, IMPLEMENT them!
Mauritius, think BIG !
NB1: Innovation is not equal to digital.
NB2: Innovation is not equal to technology
These 2 concepts are tools among others, not the objectives.
So, join this Group: Innovation in Mauritius