Tag: video

Pay on delivery and e-commerce in Mauritius.

Pay on delivery and e-commerce in Mauritius.

Innovation, if not contextual, is a show off. In Mauritius people like to pay on delivery while ordering online. Fair enough, and let us do it the right way 👆. With POD PowerUp, we deliver a user experience which matches both worlds of the merchant […]

A La Rencontre De ” spĂ©cial FĂȘtes!

A La Rencontre De ” spĂ©cial FĂȘtes!

Il y en a eu beacuoup en 2021 des “MiPS a la rencontre de….”Sebastien s’est bien amuse et parfois meme enormement ! Regardez, “likez”, partagez et surtout… BONNES FETES !